Interested in volunteering and becoming part of this great event? Contact us at 336-846-2787.
Page Turners are a special group of generous individuals who help make this festival possible with their monetary contributions. Become a Page Turner and receive Reader’s Guides to the festival and an invitation to our Page Turner’s Breakfast! For more information contact us at 336-846-2787 or email info@ashecountyarts.org
To see and print the Page Turners return form click here.
Want to be a part of this special group? We welcome you to make a donation!
Ways to donate:
• Click here to donate online. Please make a note that your donation is for On the Same Page Literary Festival.
• Mail a check to Ashe County Arts Council: 303 School Avenue, West Jefferson, NC 28694
Please write in the memo line “Donation for OTSP”
Ashe County’s On the Same Page Literary Festival (the “Festival”) is a celebration of reading. To bring this celebration to you takes hard work, sponsors and supporters, especially our Page Turners. This group is simply interested individuals who love the written word, and we’d like you to join us this year—again or for the first time.
This Festival wouldn’t happen without support from people like you who love to read and appreciate the cultural and economic value reading brings to our community. Will you consider donating? Just send your contribution in any amount (Thanks in advance for your generosity!) and you will join the ranks of the Page Turners who faithfully help us make our Festival one that attracts best-selling authors year after year. For your convenience, we’ve enclosed a donation card and a self-addressed envelope. By becoming a Page Turner, you are invited to a special breakfast hosted by our Festival committee at the historic Ashe County Arts Center. In addition, our Page Turners will be recognized as a group throughout the Festival.
The On the Same Page Literary Festival is sponsored by the Ashe County Arts Council and the Ashe County Public Library. Thank you to our Corporate Sponsor, SkyLine/SkyBest, and the Page Turners.